Gowri panchangam are followed by people of South India, especially people of Tamil origin.
Gowri Panchangam is a period of one and half hours, Day and night are divided in 8 equal parts.Gowri Panchangam periods will differ based on the day of the week and also based on whether it is day or night.Gowri Panchangam says Amirdha, Dhanam, Uthi, Laabam and Sugam are auspicious periods. As per Nalla Neram, Rogam, Soram and Visham are inauspicious periods.
This app provide all information about Gowri Panchangam, Sunrise/Sunset Time, Raahu kalam, Gulikai, Yamagandam, Soolam, parigaram, karanam, Subha muhurtha naalgal, Viratha thinangal and Vasthu days..
Mini calendar for you...Very helpful for tamil peoples...
Any suggestions, feedback and complaints. please contact : happyendnet11@yahoo.co.in
Gowri panchangam之后是南印度的人们,特别是泰米尔族的人。
Gowri Panchangam是一个时期的一个半小时,白天和晚上8等于parts.Gowri Panchangam期基础上,一周中的一天将是不同的划分,并就其是否是白天还是night.Gowri Panchangam说Amirdha,Dhanam基础,Uthi,Laabam和Sugam是吉祥的时期。按照Nalla Neram,Rogam,Soram和Visham是不吉利的时期。
这个应用程序提供有关Gowri Panchangam,日出/日落时间,Raahu卡拉姆,Gulikai,Yamagandam,Soolam,parigaram,karanam,萨卜哈muhurtha naalgal,Viratha thinangal和Vasthu天的所有信息..
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